To Be Presented in the 11th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
December 12-16, 2006, Hong Kong SAR, China

Connecting Dynamic Geometry and Analytical Geometry

Jen-chung Chuan
National Tsing Hua University

Matthias Kawski
Arizona State University

Colette Laborde
Universitˆm Joseph Fourier
Institut Univ. Formation des maitres

Miroslaw Majewski
Zayed University
United Arab Emirates

Wei-Chi Yang
Radford University


In this panel session, we will discuss how 2D and 3D Dynamic Geometry software have evolved not only enlightening students to solve problems in the area of Geometry but also inspiring students to solve problems in the area of Analytic Geometry. We will explore a problem that can be found at in the panel session. We will also explore the extension of this problem and see how dynamic geometry can be integrated in solving various scenarios.

Each speaker will also present their interesting example(s) of 'Connecting Dynamic Geometry and Analytic Geometry.'

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